Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Theory- Why is this Issue Unresolvable in Our Society?

Since 1859, when Darwin's Origin of Species was published there has been a controversy between evolution and creation. Since then we have not made much progress; the issue still remains and unfortunately always will. But why can this issue not be solved once and for all? There are two main reasons (at least in my theory of this question) why this gigantic issue can not be solved.

The first reason in that neither one of them can be proved, or at least that is what creationist say about evolution and evolutionist say about creation. The purpose of this blog is to present both sides of the evolution/creation issue, and to hopefully show which one is more logical. The purpose was NOT to prove which one was correct. It is nearly impossible if not impossible to prove one side or the other because both require some bit of faith, although different kinds of faith. For creation, there is the faith that a being of Higher Intelligence exists. There is an extremely long list of explanations that show God exists and the Bible is 100% correct (click here or here to read about some of them). This is called apologetics. Creationist would say that there are proofs for God, but evolutionists would counter that they are not tangible evidences. For evolution one must have faith in spontaneous generation and also believe we evolved from one simple single celled organism gradually over time. Some evolutionists believe there is proof for this like the fossil record, the Urey experiment, and the fact that the universe is expanding outwards. However, creationists find fault in all of these evidences, which I wrote about in another post. So you can see that this is a never ending circle.

The second reason this issue remains unresolved is summed up in this quote. "There is an old saying: There is no point in debating with someone who knows they are right." No matter what proofs and evidences one gives on evolution or creation and no matter how logical they might be, there will always those who will not change their mind. Stubbornness seems to contribute to this issue not being resolved. Many have the mind set that they are right and anyone who believes differently is wrong. This fact is hard to change since those people that have that mind set are not going to change. This issue would be resolved easier if one could present solid evidence that no one could refute. This goes back to my first reason- the evidence that is presented will be refuted my the other side of the argument which ties into my second reason. So basically no matter what evidence is found someone (if not many) will not believe it and therefore the issue can not be resolved.

I have presented both sides and I hope that my presentation shows which one is more logical. However what I think is logical may seem preposterous to someone else. So my blog has not gotten any closer to resolving this issue, but hopefully some have either been encouraged by my blog or maybe some have found creation to be logical then what they used to think.


Anonymous said...

This issue, along with gay marriage and abortion, is never going to be completely agreed on. There are two completely different sides and it is hard to see the other side's logic. This is an extremely difficult issue to cover but you do a good job presenting both sides. I haven't read all of your posts but you could show a little bias to provoke more discussion in your comments. Otherwise it is looking productive.

Krista said...

Does this issue necessarily have to be solved? And does one side have to be right and the other wrong? You mentioned that people are stubborn in their beliefs and are unwilling to change them because really, this is the way we construct and revolve our lives around so no one is going to say the lives they have been leading are for no purpose. It is a very serious topic because if you observe what is happening in some countries, people are fighting wars just over religion. Even within the belief of creation, there are numerous controversies where its followers are all trying to prove that their religion is better. I don't know much about the differences, or if there is any, among the belief in evolution, but in my opinion I don't think we should be fighting over who is right, because like you said, that will be never ending. We should enforce learning about both sides and letting people chose which side they want to believe in, otherwise people end up in wars and killing each other over it when it is forced upon you. For example, the religious wars in the Middle East between the Palestinians and Israelis, or between the Sunnis ans Shiites. Really I think this issue has more to do with society's inability to accept others beliefs, instead we would rather force our beliefs onto others and bypass alternate opinion.

Nicole said...

To angilman...I do show some bias although my goal is to not show any bias at all. For this assignment I was asked to show as little bias as possible and that is what I am trying to do.I am glad you think I should show more bias because that means I am doing a good job of showing as little bias as possible.

Nicole said...

Responding to Krista...I completely agree with you. In an ideal world it would be a whole lot better if we could all learn about everyone's beliefs and viewpoints and then decide which we want to believe in. In an even more ideal world it would be great if everyone could accept everyone elses differences. However, we do not live in an ideal world and people do not want to accept other's differences. Thats why there are religous wars ans so many controversies in our own society. Everyone thinks that they are right and everyone else is wrong...but someone has to be wrong. There is not any solution to this problem, people are going to be people and continue to not accept the ideas of others.