Monday, October 29, 2007

The Implications of the Evolution/Creation Debate

As stated in my theory post, the issue of Evolution verses Creation will never be completely resolved. However, I do think that people will become more knowledgeable of both theories.

As evolutions claim to find more evidence for evolution, creationists are going to combat that evidence with another explanation. As creationists show more proof for the existence of God the Creator, evolutionists will find a way to say that that can not be. So has you can see debates will continue, even as more information and evidence for either side is found. However, as more information and evidences are found, I think that many more people will become aware of what all each side entails.

I think the biggest problem concerning this issue is that many people are very uneducated when it comes to knowing about both theories. The solution of this problem would be to teach both theories in school, stating that they are just theories (not fact). This way each individual will know more about each theory and they will be able to decide on their belief by comparing both theories, and accepting which one they think to be more logical. Many have tried to get creation taught in public schools, but so far it has not been passed. In a recent poll 79% of people thought that creation should be taught in public schools. This is another site that has supreme court cases dealing with this issue and it also proposes how creation can still be taught in public schools legally. One can overview creation in school as long as it is kept in context and is not promoted. Click here to read about how the public schools threw out a Christian worldview for a atheistic one.

So what does the future hold for this issue? The creation/evolution debate will always continue. More people will try to get creation permanently added to the curriculum as other fight for why it should not be taught. People are always going to have different viewpoints but hopefully people will begin to learn about both theories, instead of just one.


Anonymous said...

Creation should not be taught in schools because it is based from a religion. This violates the Separation of Church and State set by our Constitution. If someone wants to learn about creation, they can do that at home or at their CHURCH!

Nicole said...

I believe that evolution is also a type of faith. Some evolutionists even believe in God. Granted, the theory that God created the singularity and then He let the rest of the universe be formed by evolution is not taught in schools (as some evolutionists who believe in God think). However, I believe that that theory as well as the theory of creation should be taught in schools alongside evolution. It is only right to present all the biggest theories so that the students can decide for themselves. When the schools are only teaching evolution that in a way is forcing them to believe in that theory since they are given no other choices. I believe students have the right to know about all theories and that they should be taught them all so they can decide for themselves.

bcoalson said...

In response to anonymous: Being taught only one side isn't fair. My thoughts have always been on those that fight so hard to keep religion out of the schools is why do you care if your right? What do you have to worry about. Teaching both sides doesn't force you to have to change your mind. If there is no God what do you have to worry about.


Our entire system of government was based on the faith of the founding fathers. Teaching both sides in school should not be a violation of the law, but an extension of the law of fairness. One man's opinion does not a majority make!

Nicole said...

To make an excellent point. I think many people are afraid to teach creation in school because that might mean more people would believe it. If they are afraid that it might make more sense than evolution then why do they not want it aught in school and even more why do they not believe in it? Some of course find the theory of creation preposterous but I think that they should let all theories be taught and let students make up their own mind about it. What do they have to loose?