Thursday, October 25, 2007

Links, Links, and More Links

In this post I will be describing some of the links that I have used in previous posts. Hopefully, if you want to research this issue further you will find these links useful.

I use many sites that focus on the creation theory of the beginning of the Universe. Most of these sites, if not all are biased since it presents opinions of why creation is more logical than evolution. However, these sites show the view of creationists and if one felt compelled, one could go to the evolution sites in my posts and compare the two views. I do try to do this in my post. These creation sources are credible because many are written by authors who are experts in the field of Creation. They might be biased since so much emotion goes into this issue, but they do show what creationists believe. Some are the site are as follows. This is site is extremely biased, but makes the arguments against evolution very simple and easy to understand. It empathizes the complexity of life and how preposterous it is to believe it evolved spontaneously from nothing. This site takes on the complexity of life in a much more serious way as well as many other arguments for creation. It is more scientific that the site listed previously, but it has the same idea- that life is to complex to have been evolved over time from nothing, along with other arguments. The author was once a evolutionists who believed only in facts he could see, nothing metaphysical. Then he had a lot of questions and decided to research. He presents his findings and says why he changed is mind about evolution.

These sites show reasons for why God does exist. God's existence is a major question that evolutionists ask about creation. They ask, "You say God created the universe, but how do you prove God exists?"Although biased, these sites show why, in the author's opinion, God exists. They sites are reliable however. They are written by authors with a lot of education under their belt and they have reliable sources that back up their statements. What they write may not be agreed upon by all, since it is dealing with the issue of Gods existence, but what they do write is true facts of why people believe God does exists. I use these links and others to make my argument more reliable, for the creation side. I do not know everything there is to know about apologetics and God's existence so these sites fill in my missing knowledge.

I have also used sites to state the facts of evolution. Some of these sites may also be biased, since many of them are stating theories of evolution that have not been proven as fact. However, I want to present both sides of the evolution/creation issue in my blog. If I have both biased evolution and biased creation sites then that helps my site be less biased, although it is about impossible to not be biased at all when talking about this issue. Some of the sites I have used for evolution are:, which states Hubble's Law and why the expanding universe is evidence for evolution. It is copyrighted by The Board of Trustees at the University of Illinois, which makes the site creditable, but absolutely true, since some believe this is not evidence for evolution. Another site is This side presents the evolutionary theory and also lists the arguments for and against the evolutionary theory. This site has the complete Origins of Species written by Charles Darwin. The Origin of Species is where the theory of evolution began, so it is very important for the evolutionary side of the issue.

Update: These two sites show that some evolutionists do believe in God. Click here or here. Many evolutionists do not believe in God as the study on these sites show but there still are some.


Anonymous said...

It's pretty much impossible to keep bias out of your blog, considering that almost every site on the internet is either biased one way or another towards this subject. It's a good idea for you to include links to the opposing argument as well, as it is important that your readers understand and are informed about both sides of your issue.

Nicole said...

Even if I have a completely neutral standpoint on this issue I still can not be completely without bias. So it is very difficult to convince anyone that either one of them is more logical, because anyone who reads will always say there is some sort of bias….because there always is. This contributes to the never ending cycle of this debate. But hopefully from this blog people who read can at least learn more about both sides and who knows maybe someone will be convinced by the arguments made.

Anonymous said...

One way to look at it is that whether an evolutionist is trying to make their point or a creationists trying to make their point...both will always have some bias. Neither one of them has an advantage over another.

Nicole said...

That is one of the problems...both sides of the issue will always have some bias. This contributes to this issue never being solved. If one side did have an advantage over the other then maybe we could get closer to an end of this issue...however this is not the case. Therefore this issue will never be completely solved.