Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Human

The controversy of the origin of the human species is one of the main controversies found in the Evolution/Creation debate. Evolutionists and Creationist take have extremely different views of this issue and I will be discussing them both here. Did humans "evolve from other life-forms" or was the human "distinctly created?"

Evolutions would say that since chimpanzees and humans have similarities between embryos, anatomical similarities, and biochemical similarities they must have a commons ancestor. Furthermore, over 95% of the DNA of a chimpanzees is equal to that of human DNA. So, the human species came into existence by gradual changes from variation and natural selection over long periods of time. By these processes the human race as well as chimpanzees and gorillas have evolved from the same ancestor. Variation is present in all species. Every member of a species varies slightly from the other members- this is variation. Natural selection is the process of the most fit surviving. As the environment changes, those of a species that can adapt to the new environment survive while those who do not adapt die. Gradually the species changes so that it can better survive in the new environment. From these processes everything as evolved. If apes and humans evolved from a common ancestor, then their common ancestor evolved from some other species, and that species evolved from another species and on and on. From a simple organism evolved highly complex organisms and the first organism spontaneously generated. This is the view of the evolutionists.

Creationists take on an completely different view. Everything did not evolve from the first original organism (blue-green algae) and the human race and chimpanzees do not have a common ancestor. for creationist, every species was created individually by the hand of God. At this point you may be thinking that evolution has stronger facts and evidence, but does it? Let me talk about now the "facts" of evolution can actually be "facts" for creation. Dr. Don Batten, Ph.D wrote an article titled, "Does the DNA similarity between chimps and humans prove a common ancestry?" The point is no DNA similarity does not prove a common ancestry at all. Would not another reason for common DNA be that both humans and chimpanzees have a common designer? Also all organisms have common needs and functions, such as obtaining energy and reproducing. Since all organisms have this in common shouldn't their DNA also have something in common? Here is an excerpt from Dr. Don Batten, Ph.D.'s article that I found quite interesting.

"What if human and chimp DNA was even 96% homologous? What would that mean? Would it mean that humans could have 'evolved' from a common ancestor with chimps? Not at all! The amount of information in the 3 billion base pairs in the DNA in every human cell has been estimated to be equivalent to that in 1,000 books of encyclopedia size. If humans were 'only' 4% different this still amounts to 120 million base pairs, equivalent to approximately 12 million words, or 40 large books of information. This is surely an impossible barrier for mutations (random changes) to cross."

Therefore being common lends itself more to a common designer than a common ancestor. There are even more arguments that show that the evolutionary theory is not correct. There are missing links between many species and their common ancestors. There are no transitional forms! If changes from one species to another occurred of long periods of time should there not be many fossils showing the small, gradual changes from one species to another? The fact is there is none. The missing links proves to be a huge damper on the evolutionary theory. There is nothing really to support, besides the fact that species evolutionists think have a common ancestor, have similar DNA. But as already stated, similarities in DNA does not necessarily mean a common ancestor but could mean a common designer. With creation there are no missing links because each species was created individually by the Designer of life.

Take both theories and way out which one makes more sense to you and please feel free to comment with your opinions of which you think is true. And if you have a different view from one of these please comment and describe your beliefs. Thanks for reading!


Ashton said...

Do you think that it is possible for both theories to combine and work together to create a truly comprehensive answer to creativity? I would have liked to see an equaling astute quotation from the pro-evolution side. It seems to me that you favor the creationism side of the argument. I gather this from convincing pro-creationist part of this post. Is that true?

HealthyGirl said...

It's interesting to find that the technological advances, like DNA, have helped to prove that evolution may not be completely true. It seems that evolution is based on many situations that were by chance. Take into consideration the forming of the solar system. What was the chance that water was found on Earth? Based on the condensation sequence water should have evaporated on Earth during the formation, but it didn't. I don't understand how something so complex as our existence could be explained without the involvement of a divine maker of sorts.

Nicole said...

Responding to Ashton- I do favor the creation side of the argument but I do try to show both sides of the argument in a nonbiased way, although at times it is hard since I do favor one over the other. However, I do think I should have included an equal quote from the evolution side and am glad you pointed that out to me, because in all sincerity I want to be the least biased as possible. And on your question, “Do you think that it is possible for both theories to combine and work together to create a truly comprehensive answer to creativity?” I think the answer is yes but that is not the issue I am debating. The combination of both creation an evolution would be that God that created the singularity that evolved into the universe. This theory is not believed by creationist or evolutionists so I am not discussing it in my posts. See my response to the first comment made on the first post, where I answer the same question. Thanks for you comment!!

Nicole said...

Responding to healthygirl- Thanks for you comment, it was very encouraging. I completely agree on your comment. I do not understand how anyone can believe that our magnificent universe was formed by chance even more that life was created from non-life. I think that many evolutionists and others want to believe what they think is easiest (although evolution in my opinion would be harder to absolutely believe without a doubt than creation) and do not take time to research things like the solar system and the condensation sequence. I want to present both sides of the argument in my posts but at the same time hope that those who read find creation to be more logical.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible for the pro- evolution side to believe that a human has a soul? If not then they don't believe in any god at all?